On October 19, the International Community of the Juniorate of Granada, with great joy and welcome, received the canonical visit of our Superior General, Graciela Francovig, together with the General Councilor and Responsible for Formation, Sônia Regina Rosa.
We are a very diverse community, as we are made up of 11 sisters from 4 different countries: Spain, Dominican Republic, Continent and Colombia. When we arrived, the Superior General expressed her joy at being able to be with us and to see in us that it is possible to live in an intergenerational community… She made us a great invitation, which we felt as a sending: “Let us go out to announce that it is possible to live in international, intergenerational and intercultural communities.Let us go out to proclaim that it is possible to live in international, intergenerational, intercultural communities“. And with this message we all felt very united to live from this same desire.

We thank the Lord for the possibility that He has offered us during this time to be able to gather all of us from so many places and to hear that it is “a dream come true”. “a dream come true”, as were the words of Graciela and Sônia after some time dreaming of the juniorate.as were the words of Graciela and Sônia after some time dreaming of the juniorate and seeing the community already complete.
To be able to share these days with them has meant for us to continue forming ourselves and preparing the ground of our lives to begin to bear the fruits that the Lord desires for each one of us in the Congregation.
We talked about the challenges of being in another context, with its realities, and how everything becomes experience and learning for this meaningful life that we want to deliver.
During those days we also had individual interviews, a meeting with the whole community, a Eucharistic celebration in the house chapel celebrated by Javier Castillo sj. They had the opportunity to visit the Parish of Our Lady of MonserratThey had the opportunity to visit the Parish of Our Lady of Monserrat, where we accompanied them in some services. One day they went, along with some sisters of the house, to visit our sisters of the infirmary community White Virgin and shared a pleasant afternoon snack.
We cannot fail to mention that, in the simple, everyday moments of the day, there is the possibility of meeting and deep conversations, and that these do not become less important, but have left us with a well inside that, in turn, arouses in us the power to put it into a few words: stimulus, impulse, hope, joy, encouragement, confidence, light, peace, confirmation, gratitude, encouragement, commitment….
We are grateful to know a little more about the entire congregation and feel united with all the sisters in a single universal Body.
The visit ended on October 24 and we bid them farewell with much affection and gratitude for all they have left us during their time in our home and community.
Grenada Juniorate International Community