Summary of the catechesis
We continue to reflect on the theme of discernment. To discern, it is important, in addition to praying, that we know ourselves. Knowing ourselves – our personality, our deepest desires – can be tiring. But, although it may be difficult, the fact of stopping and going deeper into what we do, feel and think helps us to become aware of everything that conditions us and limits our freedom to give our lives for Christ and thus be truly happy.
A very valuable instrument to know oneself is to make an examination of conscience every day. See what went through my heart that day. This good habit consists of calmly rereading everything we have experienced during the day, recognizing what seduces and deceives us, and distinguishing it from what is really important and good for us. This patient inner work helps us to integrate all the dimensions of our life and to live authentically in the presence of God.
In the life of Mother Candida
Did Mother Candida know herself? It seems that she did and that, at times, this knowledge made her doubt herself and the work that God had placed in her hands. Perhaps, for this reason, she listens to God in some spiritual exercises:
I don’t like you spending time thinking that you’re poor and won’t be able to get ahead, Qué. Did I not know that you had no riches and goods of this world? Yes, I knew and I know whom I chose and why I chose. He who gave you the desire will give you the power and the grace, if you are faithful to my call, and they will feel that the work is mine and not of men.
P. 95 of “Where God Calls You”.
Do you know yourself? Are you working on getting to know yourself better? What do you tell God about yourself? And, most importantly, what does God say to you? Where is your growth path taking you? Ask Jesus today: “Lord, may I know myself as you know me”.