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Crystal and Celina enter the International Novitiate of Cordoba

February 4, 2017

East and West- the Philippines and Uruguay- Ma. Crystal Bermejo and Celina García- Welcome
On February 2, the international novitiate welcomed Crystal and Celina with the rite of entry to the novitiate, together with the community and the sisters of the house of Cordova.
Faithful to our charism of universality, sisters from three provinces, América Andina, Índico-Pacífico and Brasil-Caribe were present.
Throughout the day, through the gifts sent by the sisters of other houses, calls and messages of congratulation, the whole body of the Daughters of Jesus was present.
Thus is fulfilled our Mother Foundress’ desire, in the dispersion-union of hearts.
After the rite in the chapel we shared a fraternal lunch, all generations united, remembering the novitiate times of each one, recalling many anecdotes and memories of people.



念珠菌母親被封聖的周年紀念日總是一個感恩紀念這一事件的好機會,但最重要的是要問自己: 什麼是聖潔?我能走到念珠菌 M. 所到之處嗎? 天主對聖潔的呼召不是要背負的 「重擔」,不是要背負的十字架,而是...