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First Circulars by Graciela Francovig

June 10, 2019

On the feast of Pentecost, Graciela Francovig writes to the entire apostolic body of the Daughters of Jesus, in dispersion after the celebration of the FI 18th GC. They are her first circulars after being named Superior General of the Daughters of Jesus on May 1st. And she does so twice, one directed to all the sisters of the Congregation and the other to the laity united by the charism and spirituality of Mother Candida.

Circular to all the Sisters of the Congregation

After expressing her gratitude for the trust placed in her “in this new mission received”, she refers to the liturgical celebration celebrated at the time of its publication:

Today we are celebrating the feast of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Church and to each one of the Christians. This celebration evokes in me, among other aspects, the unity expressed in diversity. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can harmonize our differences making us savor the unity that comes from Him, as we have experienced in the recent GC XVIII.

She also alludes:

– to the single Determination  that comes out of the 18th General Congregation for the Daughters of Jesus:

We are offered a single determination to the Hijas de Jesus for these next six years: ‘To follow Jesus Christ closely, who chose poverty for himself’. We wish it to be inspiring for us, connecting the origin of the charism with its updating, according to what the circumstances of times and places ask for.

– to the recommendation that the GC left to the Superior General:

To review and adapt the administrative structure in the Congregation to guarantee the good functioning and charismatic updating of the management of the goods.

– and to the six calls for apostolic action, “addressed to Hijas de Jesus and the lay and to all those who collaborate with us in the Mission of Christ in the Church.” We will have to wait a little longer to know them.

The first meeting of the General Government with the Provincials, the first appointments and international “sendings”, information about this summer time in the Curia and the return to the ordinary government after the summer or the reminder of the announcement of the appointment of Mª Luisa Berzosa as consultant to the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops complete her circular to the Sisters, which concludes with the following prayer:

Together we ask for all the gifts of the Spirit for our Body in mission.


Circular to the laity

Along with the letter to the Sisters of the Congregation, Graciela also directs a circular to all the lay united by the charism and spirituality of Mother Candida.

She sends them an affectionate greeting, adding that “we have felt them at our side and their prayer, together with that of the sisters, has sustained us in the recent GC XVIII”. After that, she goes briefly through the path taken these past years towards feeling ourselves Family of Mother Candida and sharing Mission.

She also appreciates the contributions that were made to the General Congregation and talks about the great diversity that exists in the Congregation: of realities, of places, of characteristics of the laity, of processes followed … “From the richness that this great diversity presents, we prepare ourselves to continue tackling new challenges”, she says.

