In order to promote reflection, debate the issue and exchange meaningful experiences among educational managers with respect to the challenges and new ways for inclusive education, the National Association of Catholic Education of Brazil – ANEC, promoted during the 13th and 14th of June, the 5th Forum of Directors of Catholic Schools, which was held at the “Colegio Salesiano Don Bosco” in Salvador / BA. The main theme was “Statute of the Poor: Legal and Educational Challenges for Catholic School Management”.
The Forum was facilitated by Dr. Anna Gilda Dianin, president of the “Sindicato de los Estabelecimientos Particulares de Enseñanza de la Región Sudeste de Minas Gerais” , and Dr. Arthur Emílio Dianin, legal adviser of Sinepe-MG . [Union of Private Centers for Education in the Southeast Region of Minas Gerais (Sinepe / Southeast-MG)] and Dr. Arthur Emílio Dianin, legal adviser of Sinepe-MG . Both discoursed especially on the “Dilemmas and Challenges of the Brazilian Law on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (LBI)”.In addition Professor Giselli de Fátima Padilha Hummelgen, addressed the theme “Inclusive education: experience and perspective in educational field”; and Professor Olga Cristina Rocha de Freitas, a teacher in Behavioral Neuroscience, spoke on the theme: “Inclusive Education: a school for all is possible”.
According to what Olga Freitas says, “Today the objective is no longer to label people with special needs such as people with disabilities, because those specific features they present only make them different from others, but to provide them conditions of access to rights, for example, at school, in relation to the curriculum, physical spaces, social coexistence, among others. Those children and young people have high potential for school and social development with an eye to citizenship.”
Professor Giselli reinforces this: “Inclusion is not just socialization; inclusion has to do with academics, with discipline, with evaluation, the curriculum, with methods. Thinking of inclusive education makes us think about differences and citizenship, realistically, with commitment and responsibility”. Quoting John Maxwell, she concludes: “Life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it.”
The Forum was enriched with the presentation of creative and successful experiences, by schools in the country where the issue of inclusion is generating a new trend of structuring spaces, curricula, internal direction, care, training of professionals, collaboration and family-school commitment, as well as expanding the network of reflection on inclusive education and formulation of inclusion policy in Catholic schools.
The Forum had the attendance and participation of more than 300 managers, directors and other education professionals of Catholic schools in different regions of Brazil.
The DAUGHTERS OF JESUS NETWORK was present with 18 educators from 8 educational units: managers, directors, educational coordinators and educational guidance, who benefited much from the reflection, which will help us as a basis for the study, deepening and definition of the inclusion policy in the Daughters of Jesus Network – Brazil.
It is the step we want!
By Maria José Alves Machado fi