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From the General Congregation to Ordinary Life

June 4, 2019
On Wednesday, May 22, the 18th GC was closed, and this period of extraordinary government of the Congregation ended. On Thursday there was a certain disturbance in the house like Easter Sunday.

And, without interruption, the ordinary government went into operation: on Friday and Saturday there was a meeting of the General Government with the Provincials.

As a single Body, it was a matter of taking charge of the Congregation dispersed in different places: of the circumstances that Venezuela is going through and how we Daughters of Jesus are living them; how the sisters manage to sustain the people and sustain themselves; and those of Mozambique, the work in the school and in the other apostolates and how the support among a few sisters is the only possibility of fostering life; and supporting Uruguay in order to remain on that border which today is young people; and so on, country by country. And it ended on Saturday, not without sharing how and when the transmission of the Determination will be made in the different places.

In two days, we went around the world, before beginning the move to ordinary life. Like one who wants to go with someone who is leaving, and like whoever embarks on the trip feels that, somehow …, she remains.

The following days have been a movement from one farewell to another, a periodic whirring of suitcases’ wheels along the corridors, a going down again and again to say goodbye near the garage doors. The corridors are returning to the silence that the days of the Exercises had, but the chapel is going to be too big for us.

And while this is happening here, joy is once again shared throughout the world.

Teresa Pinto, FI


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