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Desolation – #9parael9FI

August 4, 2023

Summary of the catechesis

In this cycle of catechesis dedicated to discernment, today we reflect on desolation. Everything we do has an affective connotation, and it is necessary to recognize – that is, to discern –what “moves” within us because God speaks to the heart. When inner movements are characterized by turmoil, sadness, and temptations; when we feel that we are losing hope and moving away from God, we are experiencing desolation.

No one would like to have to go through these moments of darkness, but they come to all of us, it is part of the journey. And if we know how to “read” them, pray over them, and confront them with a spiritual guide who accompanies us, they can help us to mature and face life in a different way, more “rooted and firm in the faith”. Moments of desolation also have something important to tell us.

The remorse as an opportunity to change life.

The sadness awakens attention to a possible danger or a neglected good. Understand what this sadness means to me today.

On the other hand, for those who have the desire to achieve good, sadness is an obstacle with which the tempter wants to discourage us. In such a case, the exact opposite of what is suggested should be done.

No test will be superior to what we can do. But do not run away from trials: see what they mean for us. Desolation is also an invitation to gratuity.

It is also important, when the trial comes, “not to move”, not to change, that is, to remain strongly united to the Lord and not to deviate from the path that leads us to Him. Thus, with God’s grace, we will be able to strengthen ourselves and continue to live with greater peace and freedom.

In the life of Mother Candida

Of course, M. Candida experienced desolation. Not infrequently she reads discouragement and difficulties as a ploy of the evil spirit to make her desist from carrying out what she sees as God’s will. We all remember the episode of the founding of the School of Tolosa and no lesser known was the temptation when they were with the founding of the School of Medina del Campo. The dialogue with Mother María Igarategui was very enlightening:

– Rma. Mother, let’s get out of here, because he can’t resist.

– Mother Maria, it is the enemy that wants to upset everything. He would want nothing else but for us to leave the project and go away. For is it not a sign that this foundation, which is presented with so many labors, is for the glory of God and the salvation of souls? It will be seen, in time, how pleasant this foundation of St. Joseph of Medina del Campo will be for Jesus and Mary.

“Donde Dios te llame” by María del Carmen de Frías Page 225.

How about you?

What are your recurring desolations? What do you do with them? How and with whom do you read them? What do they teach you about yourself, the Lord, and the path of life?

Read and listen here the complete catechesis: Desolation and Why are we desolate?
