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Letter number 34 of the Superior General – appointments and dispatches

February 22, 2024

Immersed in the season of Lent, last February 18, the Superior General, Graciela Francovig, communicated some appointments, dispatches and other news of the Congregation in her letter number 34 .

“The Pope invites us to return to what is essential in our lives. May this Lenten season be for all of us an opportunity for greater closeness to God and to our brothers and sisters; for greater reconciliation with ourselves and with others, a time to welcome the peace that God offers us in the sobriety of the Lenten journey”.

The months of January and February have been a time of strong discernment for the appointments he is communicating:

  • H. Aparecida Ramos Queiroz Superior of the community of Mozambique (2nd three-year period)
  • H. Sofia Contreras Sanfeliciano Superior of the Casa Curia since March 31, 2009
    2024 to September 1, 2025.
  • H. Arisleida Rincón Novice Mistress of the Brazil-Caribbean Novitiate.

He has also appointed as president of the Board of Trustees of the Daughters of Jesus Solidarity Aid Foundation (FASFI) Sr. Blanca Esther Iriarte .

I am grateful for the availability of these sisters, let us pray for them and in our prayer let us assume with them the commitment to seek “what God wills and only what God wills”.

We thank Ana Baeza de Loño for the years she has spent in the Curia as Secretary General, for her accompaniment and preparation of the new secretary and for her three-year term as superior.

I would also like to thank Teresa García Román for her dedication, commitment and sensitivity to the most vulnerable during these six years.

New presence in Bogota

For some time now in the province of Andean America we have been dreaming of a pastoral presence in Bogota to attend especially to the ministry of personal accompaniment and the Spiritual Exercises in collaboration with others, that this house would house Daughters of Jesus who continue university studies and possible young people in formation.

In dialogue with the two provinces of America, I have sent the following sisters:

  • H. Enaceyla Cardenas from the community of Bucaramanga,
  • H. Maria Dolores Fernandez from Argentina,
  • H. Melba del Pilar Neris, from the Dominican Republic.

This house will be part of the Community of Colombia, Bucaramanga-Bogotá. The expected start date for this new project is around June. Meanwhile, the Provincial Superior of Andean America and the Superior of this community will look for a house in a central location in Bogota, which will make it possible to be close to these apostolates. In this place, Melba will conclude the studies she took up again in the last few years.

Finally, it has sent to the H. Betty Para and, from Taiwan, to the Tahanan Community in the Philippines .
