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February 15, 2016

On February 2, the postulants, Mariana Coelho from Brazil and Nancy Martinez of Cuba moved forward to the Novitiate in the city of Córdoba (Argentina). The celebration was attended by the community of the Novitiate and the House of Cordoba, plus some sisters who were visiting their families in this city.

The ceremony began with Fr. Arrupe’s poem “Fall in Love” made into a song and some words from Sônia Maria Soares, the Mistress of Novices, who emphasized God’s call and the invitation to prophecy, closeness and hope made to us by Pope Francis in closing the Year of Consecrated Life. Then we received the Word presented by a dance, followed by the rite of the petition and the giving of visible signs that make present God’s action in the Congregation through the charism of Mother Candida: the cross given by Graciela Francovig, Provincial Superior of America Andina; the medal, given by Norma Granzotto, Superior of the community of Cordova and Jujuy; and the Constitutions and the Complementary Norms and Directives given by Sonia Maria Soares.

The reflections of the new novices in simple words were:

Mariana: I feel that I am in the potter’s hands with the desire to be molded by Him in the Congregation, which today I feel more part of, and I want to grow as a Daughter of Jesus, becoming more like Him every day.

Nancy: In this new phase I feel that Jesus invites me once more to journey, to openness, to acceptance, to live joyfully and let Him be the protagonist in my life each day; that I may fall in love, be surprised and continue desiring to become a true Daughter of Jesus.

May Mariana and Nancy grow in following Jesus each day!

Community of the Mother Candida International Novitiate


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