The International Union of Superiors General, UISG, proposes the webinar: Non-violence and the environment: A pact between human beings and the environment, on 30 September from 14:00 to 16:00 (Rome time). This meeting is part of the Time of Creation, a global celebration that takes place every year from 1 September to 4 October and in which the Christian family unites to protect our common home.
The webinar starts from the need to “create a covenant between human beings and the environment” (Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 1 September 2022).
Conflicts arise from environmental destruction and catastrophes are increasing due to climate change and loss of biodiversity. On this day we will reflect on the importance of the practice of non-violence with the seven objectives of the Laudato Si’ Platform, PALS:
– The Response to the Cry of the Earth
– Answering the Cry of the Poor
– The Green Economy
– Adopting Simple Lifestyles
– Ecological Education
– Ecological Spirituality
– Community Involvement and Participatory Action
All this will help us to further advance call number 2: to live an integral ecology. We must commit ourselves to care for our common home in order to combat poverty and restore the dignity of the excluded. This is a cultural, spiritual and educational challenge, inseparable from social justice.
Details to connect to the meeting:
Shortcut link (Zoom):
Meeting ID: 812 5501 2470 (2022)
Languages: English, Italian, Spanish, French