I leave Valladolid,
the trains waying my experience of Rezandovoy,
the ALVIA train’s smooth ness allows my heart
to relish and savor, to be thankful…
Day of meetings to remember.
Five years ago we were born
dream? madness? Utopia? where to?
launching computers to God…
What to offer our world,
a world noisy, hurrying at a breakneck pace
yet searching for silence and stillness?
How to contemplate without evading,
how to live the mystique of a connection
with invisible strings?…
Many hands, many thinking minds,
many hearts letting out their
creativity,thenet work
project is being woven-“isn’t it crazy?” -that grows and weaves many people in a net,
from near and far… God allows himself to be found!
We return after 5 years; Valladolid receives us
with a timid sun and low temperatures,
but we arrived with much warmth and color in
our heart…
Smiles,some full ofteeth,
voices that have faces,
the feeling of family, birthday party…
we are many yet many others are missing.
Exchange of experiences, lots of laughs and
Bread, Wine and Wordon the threshing-altar that tastes of grainsk neaded to be
broken and shared.
We pray together, the community expands,
the churchis filled and there is amonotone beat:
You are the God of encounters:
you call usfrom weakness, mystery,
wefollow youbetweenfascination andresistance, but
with otherswe discoveryour Kingdom…
Weare the imageof the God of encounters.
And late-night finds us singing,
many more voices, present and virtual…
Our technological means and others, so that
many of us men and women may be able to pray
while we’re on our way.
Thank you, praying family-Rezandovoy for this party!
New impetus, more desire, budding hope…
We go on… while we’re on our way with Him.
By Maria Luisa Berzosa FI
5 years of Rezandovoy
Valladolid, 5 March 2016