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Bringing out the best in each person by living Laudato Si

The Amazon rainforest, which covers much of northwestern Brazil and extends into Colombia, Peru and other South American countries, is the largest tropical forest in the world and is famous for its biodiversity.

The Daughters of Jesus have recently landed in the Peruvian zone, in the mission of Wijint in the Vicariate of Yurimaguas together with the Lauritas.

Perhaps this destiny began to be dreamt of with the
Laudato Si
and began to become a reality after the
of the Amazon. The Congregation wanted to collaborate in a project for the protection of our common home and we searched in different ways until we found REIBA (Network of Intercultural Bilingual Amazonian Education).

We disembark in a new country where we arrive as a religious family and which will gradually become familiar to us.


We are integrated in the REIBA project for education in the native community of Wijint.

Shall we talk?

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