In order to support the process of “Amplified Community”, and giving a sense of common mission, we were in Montes Claros for the preparatory meeting for the “Reunion of the Youth Easter Gathering 2016”. To continue the youth project, we met on June 24 and 25 in the “Obra Social ‘Nuestra Señora de Fátima’” in Montes Claros .
Upon arriving at the “Obra Social”, we were greeted by Sr. Gisélia, superior of the amplified Community “CIC/BH, Obra Social San José/BH, Obra Social Nuestra Señora de Fátima en Montes Claros”, and also by the director Marlice and educational coordinator Cláudia who presented the school to us. Then we had a delightful “break” of fraternization.
This meeting aimed to provide a more intense preparation to collaborators who participated in the reunion – INTER / 2016. It also sought the integration of all and formation in the Topic: FAMILY AND MERCY.
We began the meeting on June 24 at 4:30 p.m. with a dynamic presentation prepared by the youth of Porteirinha. Next, Sr. Silvestra led the prayer service and then educators Daniel and José Carlos spoke simultaneously on Mercy and Family, guided by the documents of our dear Pope Francis.
On Saturday, June 25, we resumed our work early with a prayer prepared by our collaborator Libânia – CIC / BH and then Sr. Gisélia Maria de Sousa presented the “amplified Community”. Immediately afterward, Sr. Francisca Mejia conducted a group work related to the proposed theme for the meeting. Vocation minister Adriano of Obra San Jose was asked to lead the shared reflection, which greatly enriched the theme proposed.
In the second moment of the day, everyone’s attention was called for the preparation and organization of the Reunion which will take place in September. The program is ready.
Thus we accomplished the meeting’s objective with great enthusiasm and energy, asking for God’s blessing and St. Candida’s intercession.
By José Carlos Talim
Obra Social San José Operario