“THANKS”, a word to express the thousands of details of courtesy and affection by Cecilia Solis FI in her service as General Treasurer and in her presence in the Generalate for 14 years. We are grateful for her life, dedication and availability in this service.
On Sunday, March 13th, in the Eucharist and a fraternal dinner, we celebrated her life and gifts, the years traveled around the world and around Rome, her administrative tasks of every kind, always performed with responsibility and cordiality, seeking to resolve any situation. In community prayer, with her we looked at the past, present and future, three moments in which we remember and appreciate:
The past, for what we have received from her throughout these years spent in Rome with total dedication, in the service that the Congregation entrusted to her.
The present, as a thanksgiving and petition to the Lord to continue to assist her in this new path she will undertake. Before Him we place all her intentions and actions, wishing her the best and the Lord’s continued blessing.
The future that she is already enjoying with so much anticipation.
May the Lord continue to enlighten and accompany her every moment of her life.
Cecilia, thanks for everything!
念珠菌母親被封聖的周年紀念日總是一個感恩紀念這一事件的好機會,但最重要的是要問自己: 什麼是聖潔?我能走到念珠菌 M. 所到之處嗎? 天主對聖潔的呼召不是要背負的 「重擔」,不是要背負的十字架,而是...