En la víspera del día 29 de junio, Dayse Agretti, como Superiora Provincial, convocó a las hermanas de esta región de Colombia para motivar el inicio de la Asamblea y dar comienzo a la primera etapa del trabajo propuesto por el Gobierno general para preparar la CG XIX. Hizo entrega, primero, del cuaderno para notas personales sobre las mociones que el Espíritu vaya sembrando en el corazón de cada una a la luz de la oración y, luego, de la hoja guía del texto de la oración para el día siguiente, sobre “¿Qué buscamos?“, previa motivación del mismo.
He presented the context, both of the life of the prophet Jeremiah and of the people at that time, inviting us to recognize “the eternal love with which the Lord has loved the Congregation and his desire to make it new”, acknowledging the contribution given to our religious family by the Daughters of Jesus who have preceded us in all these years since the foundation .
She insisted on the importance of writing down the motions received in order to share the following day what each one chose from one of the questions selected by each sister. She encouraged us to offer our word to the community, knowing that each one does it from her own way of being, but all of us, with a word to offer and to be heard.
Thus, we entered little by little throughout the assembly, on June 29 and 30, in the different steps of this first stage and in the knowledge of the proposal, ending the month with hope and going through the suggested steps with openness and interest. He insisted on the importance of taking ownership of the proposed methodology. More than a work to be done, we are asked to make a spiritual, prayerful experience, of true listening and of savoring and tasting internally, as we are invited to do in the Exercises of St. Ignatius.
It is a family pleasure to feel, not only in the Province but also with the other Daughters of Jesus, already in General Congregation, united in prayer and fraternal affection, approaching all this material that we liked very much for its simplicity, methodology and the novelty that it brings us. We are aware that by allowing the Spirit to act in our daily personal and community lives, and in the simplicity and humility of the Gospel, He will be able to lead us to a leap in quality that will lead us to live our being true Daughters of Jesus, as M. Candida longed for. Candida.
We were grateful for the work and commitment of the General Government, as well as that of all the sisters and people who collaborated until we were able to present this proposal. We ended the assembly:
- We are very happy because we are beginning a spiritual experience with the whole Congregation.
- Grateful and hopeful. Confident and available.
- Sure that with Him we make the way of hope.
- With hope for the new paths that may open up for us.
We are entering with enthusiasm and interest in the process of the proposed plan to prepare this GC XIX. We do it together with all the Daughters of Jesus. We advance as far as we are able. We open our hearts to hope and to the invitation to allow ourselves to be transformed by the grace of the Spirit and to be those Daughters of Jesus, of Candida Maria de Jesus, in this new time.
Reina de la Paz- Colombia
Excerpted from NotiAndina 215