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A space to share with the family

Thank you, Bea

Today we talk to Beatriz Concejo, Bea. Vallisoletana, former student of La Salle, graduated in Advertising and Public Relations, great professional and better person. She began working with us through FASFI (Foundation for Solidarity Aid of the Daughters of Jesus) as...

ICO and general government meeting

At the beginning of June, the International Communications Office of the Daughters of Jesus (Maria José FI and Beatriz) had a meeting with the General Government at the Curia in Rome. The main objective of this meeting was to plan the communication of the XIX General...

What Mother Candida loved moves me to…

On May 31 we celebrate the birth of Mother Candida, of Juana Josefa, the first born of a random marriage, in a random town, in a random country... But, for us, for us, she is someone very special. To remember the birth of someone important is to make a stop on the way...

Celebration May 31

On May 31, 1845 she was born in the hamlet of Berrospe, in the town of Andoain (Guipúzcoa), Juana Josefa Cipitria y Barriola . At the age of 26, in 1871, she founded the congregation of the Daughters of Jesus in Salamanca.From then on, her name would be Candida Maria...

Building the International Communication Team

The International Communication Team of the Daughters of Jesus continues to work to broaden the dissemination of our messages through more effective communication that can become a means of Good News for all. A key question remains on the table: What does God want...


The Daughters of Jesus are aware of the new challenges posed by the digital era in which we live. We know that we have to adapt to this new global culture and, therefore, without losing sight of our 151 years of history, we are embarking on a new communication phase....

Communication processes build community

CHALLENGES OF THE DIGITAL CULTURE FOR THE LIFE AND MISSION OF CONSECRATED PEOPLE Have you ever stopped to think about the challenges posed by the digital world in which we live? We encourage you to listen to this talk by Salesian Javier Valiente. He is the director of...