Along with letter number 37, Superior General, Graciela Francovig sent the prayer for GC XIX:
We pray to you, Father, for the Daughters of Jesus,
in this time of the General Congregation.
Grant us to be docile to the Spirit,
the grace of discernment
that invites us to examine the roads we have traveled
and to choose what today would give more life to this Body in Mission.
Bless us with the gift of true listening:
to reverently welcome your Word in prayer,
in the voices that come to us from the wounds of the world
and in the sharing of each sister.
Give us your wisdom to be new wineskins,
flexible and open,
to receive the new wine that transforms
our vulnerability in possibility
and our yearnings
in greater vitality for the charisma.
May Mary be the Star of our paths.
as it was for St. Candida Maria de Jesus.
We will walk with Jesus on a path of hope
together with all those who try a new way of being human,
of being Church and of being brothers and sisters.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit…