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Circular Letter 43: Congregates-Electors GC XIX

January 13, 2025

In her letter number 43, our Superior General communicates the names of the Daughters of Jesus who will participate by election in the next General Congregation.

He begins by expressing his gratitude for the road he has traveled so far:

Let us thank the Father for the process of discernment lived in the five Provincial Congregations held from December 5 to January 7. It was a journey made among lights and some shadows. You give us the Sisters who will be part of the GC, as well as the issues we have to deal with.

We have been able to discover how important the PCs are for arriving at the GC. Like any human process, we are also learning to discern little by little, to maintain the attitudes that it requires, the indispensable indifference-inner freedom to seek and find the will of God, as we will do in the General Congregation that we will soon celebrate.

I thank those sisters who, in silence, have offered so much for the good of the Body and let there be no doubt that everything that moves in our hearts, good and less good, has repercussions in the Body. Such is the current of grace in us!

She then shared the names of the Daughters of Jesus electors from each province and their alternates. Of the twenty-two, ten are participating for the first time in a GC. We have been getting to know them at the end of each Province Congregation: East Asia, Indian-Pacific, Spain-Italy, Brazil-Caribbean and Andean America.

The next step will be the appointment of the Official Preparatory Commission (OPC), which will begin its work in early March.

He concludes his letter by asking us to continue to pray for GC XIX and the congregations:

With joy and confidence I entrust to you the last steps of preparation for GC XIX. This is a time, until April 21, to pray for one another, especially for the members of the Congregation, to cultivate attitudes of discernment and faith. May the Spirit grant us the grace of trust, of availability, of interior freedom, of right intention, of obedience to the supreme authority that is a GC. God is the Father who takes care of everything and I am sure he will help us and take us by the hand in this next General Congregation. I ask each community to creatively make more visible the prayer for the members and for the GC. We need it!

I say goodbye to all of you with the wish to remain in communion in the distance, remembering with M. Candida that the greater the distance that separates us, the greater the union of hearts. Candida that the greater the distance that separates us, the greater the union of hearts.

From Circular Letter number 43 of the Superior General, Graciela Mirta Francovig
