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Letter 44: PCO and Communication Commission

February 3, 2025

The Daughters of Jesus continue our journey towards the celebration of GC XIX. At this moment, in her Circular Letter 44, the Superior General informs us of the names of the Sisters who, together with it, will constitute the Official Preparatory Commission for GC XIX and, therefore, will work with it in its most immediate preparation.

  1. Graciela Mirta FrancovigGeneral Superior.
  2. Dayse Marianela Agretti
  3. Raquel Amigot Goyena
  4. Emelinda Falsis Correa
  5. Altagracia Gonzalez Ventura (Iris)

They will begin their work on March 10 at Casa Curia.

Regarding international communication, he shared that since February 1, a small commission formed by María del Carmen Jiménez, Guadalupe Galeano ( as a professional) and Sonia Regina Rosa as liaison with the General Government has been in charge of it . She appreciates both the work of the previous team and the willingness of the new ones.

Graciela begins her letter, written in the context of the Day dedicated to Consecrated Life, by echoing the words that Pope Francis addressed to consecrated persons on the first vespers of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord celebrated on the 1st in St. Peter’s Basilica:

Yesterday we celebrated the 29th World Day for Consecrated Life. Another opportunity to give thanks for this gift in the Church.

For the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and World Day for Consecrated Life, Pope Francis presided at First Vespers in St. Peter’s Basilica, “in a liturgical context characterized by the symbol of light”. And focusing his reflection “on the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience that you professed, you too can be bearers of light for the women and men of our time”.

He concluded his reflection by recalling “the ‘return to the origins’, of which there is so much talk in consecrated life today. He reiterated that the most important “is the return to Christ and his ‘yes’ to the Father”.

We had the opportunity to pray with him and with so many religious with a strong sense of belonging to the Church. There we have had the whole Congregation present, from the youngest to our older, sick sisters, passing through those of middle age, those of us who are on the front lines of the mission or those who have responsibilities in the Body. We wish to hear His voice again, the one that pronounces our name and invites us to follow Him. Only if we are reached every day by this Love, with capital letters, can we continue to “offer light” to our world. Only from love do we find meaning in this way of living the Gospel that is apostolic religious life in our case.

And it ends with the wish that we are women capable of being with this humanity that needs us, from north to south and from east to west. And with a charge: Let us pray much for our world.

From Circular Letter 44 of Superior General Graciela Mirta Francovig
