Dear Sisters and lay with whom we share the mission: Happy Feastday! We celebrate the Spirit of God who makes all things new.
“Here God lives among human beings. He will make is his home among them; they will be his people, and he will be their God, God-with-them. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes, there will be no more death, and no more mourning or sadness or pain. The world of the past has gone. Then the One sitting on the throne spoke. “Look, I am making the whole creation new. Write this. “What I am saying is trustworthy and will come true.” (Rev. 21, 3-5)
Let us listen from our hearts to this message, which is the Word of God, and allow him to do his work of consoling. Let us feel him live with us, among us, in our circumstances, those which we share with suffering humanity and those most properly “ours2 and immediate. Let us allow him to dry our tears, as a father or a mother does, and to whisper in our ears that which animates our hope and inflames our desires for him, for his kingdom. Come Spirit of God …!
May he help us make this experience an encounter with him and truly confess him as our “God2 and “Lord”.
This year the feast of Pentecost and the 175th anniversary of the birth of who would become our Foundress, M. Candida, coincide. And we also congratulate ourselves for that.
The experience that she goes through throughout her life is precisely the experience of the intimate closeness of God, who wants a new and better world for us and with us. Juana Josefa placed her whole person at his service and with all simplicity brought us the Gospel. Pondering on her availability we can say “these are words that are certain and true”.
Today, it is always within our reach to ask the Spirit of Jesus as the poor do, to ask him to open us to the action of God, to make us a little more like the Son, to infuse us with his gifts:
“I consider you very collected and fervent to receive the Holy Spirit. Also ask for me, that he will fill us with his divine love, and infuse us with his gifts, and give us a great strength to work hard for the glory of God and the salvation of souls ”(Letter from M. Candida to the Br Josefa González, May 5, 1898)
As this month ends, may Mary intercede for us so that this may be come true, that we may not have any other aspiration in our lives.
Happy Feastday. Affectionately.
The Sisters of the General Government