Day 6 – January 31, 2018 – the last day of the encounter began with Morning Prayer led by the Japanese delegates.
As the theme for the day was : The world is too small for my desires…
The delegates prayed facing the east, the west, the north and south…praying for nature and all
and all of creation…
Then general impressions regarding the 3rd IEL were asked from the delegates.
An evaluation of the whole encounter followed
Planning for the next IEL
Where would the next international encounter be? Which country would probably host the 4th IEL? And what could be the possible theme?
Two countries – Dominican Republic and Japan – had the most votes.
Lunch followed.
The final mass to culminate the third IEL was at 3pm with Cardinal Luis Tagle.
His very inspiring homily centered on Christ the Light of the world. That without Christ we are in darkness; thus we must catch and hold on to this light and bring this light to others.
Final Ceremonies
Mr Eleazar Solas together with representatives from Brazil (Sylvia Ferreira), Spain (Antonio Grau), Taiwan (Sun Cheng Mei) and the Dominican Republic (Luis Rijo) expressed their Declaration of Commitment to the Shared Mission.
Then followed the Giving of Certificates of Participation
A million thanks to all the Hijas de Jesus Sisters, our major sponsors Mater Dei and Manresa Retreat House, Rex and Phoenix Publishing House, the translators and Lights & Sound System provider, and all those who silently worked in the background providing assistance in one way or another.
Finally to all the delegates and participants, the third IEL would not have been successful without their enthusiasm, openness and cooperation in all the activities. Now let us go forth and begin our journey anew…spreading God’s light and love through the charism and spirituality of St Candida Maria de Jesus.
To God be all glory, honor and praise!