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3rd IEL: day 2

January 29, 2018


With the theme, “God is a loving father, in Him we put our trust” the second day of the 3rd International Encounter of the Lay began with a morning prayer led by the Taiwan delegates.

The first talk for this day was a very comprehensive yet moving one which was about charism and spirituality given by Sr. Raquel Amigot Goyena FI of Spain.



Then followed inspiring testimonies of Dr Linda Que (Philippines) and Brazilian  Sr Consola de Matos (Japan) on how the charism and spirituality  of St Candida influenced and impacted their lives.

After lunch, group sharing followed to answer the questions, “What qualities of Jesus have you imbibed?” “What are the challenges I face in living out the charism in daily life and how do i respond to them?”

Argentina,Bolivia,Cuba     Dominican Republic              Taiwan

España                              Philippines 1                  Philippines, Japan          Philippines 3

Philippines 5                           Philippines, Japan                         Brazil

Then reporting by each group followed. Below, Brazil and ABC and Pihilippines


The votive mass in honor of Mo. Foundress was presided by Fr. Mario Pacheco, MCCJ.

He emphasized on how the Hijas de Jesus congregation should continue to strive to be the salt and light of the world.


That evening after dinner was time for the IEL delegates to have fun and get to know one another more…

 To taste some of our Filipino delicacies… (photos)

But more importantly, it was also a time to nurture the child in us…to play and laugh and be carefree (photos of parlor games may be labeled with their names…”planting rice” …


the one where the men were on the floor sitting on a sack is “race to holiness” …

“Maria went to town” … “Fish-tahan”… “hep hep hurray”)

The evening ended with community singing …

labeled with “Binabago mo ako araw araw… Ngayon …Bukas at Kailanman…Ang pag-ibig mo ay laging sapat”  

What means: “Welcome to the Family… we”re glad that you have come to share your life with us.. . As we grow in love and…

May we always be to you  what God would have us be, a family always there…

To be strong and to lean on…”

