We thank You, Lord, for the gift of this day
When we remember in a special way
Our refugee brothers and sisters all over the world today.
May You fill them with love, peace, joy and hope
And make them feel that so many people truly care for them.
May leaders of nations be united
In addressing the plight of those who have to flee
Because their lives are at stake.
May we continue to pray and help
Everyone of them who are in need
For they, too, are human beings like us,
Brothers and sisters in the God we believe.
Let us then be united in responding to them
Sharing our time and resources with them
That they ,too, may grow and develop their potential
And live happy and dignified lives.
May all those who support and walk with them
Be blessed and guided in their everyday life
As they continue to listen and respond
Not only to their material needs
But also for their longing for peace and freedom,
For security and better life.
May the God each of us believe in bless every effort we exert
As we make each day a World Refugee Day
Through our accompaniment, service and advocacy.
By Sr. Evelyn de Alba, FI