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Andean America Provincial Government 2023-2026

July 26, 2023

The Superior General, in her letter number 31, informs us of the appointment of the Provincial Government of the Province of ANDEAN AMERICA, made up of the countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba and Venezuela. It is composed of:

Provincial Superior: Sr. Dayse Marianela Agretti
First Board Member: Br. María Dolores Fernández
Second Councilor: Br. Angenita Gallo Valkenburg
Third Councilor: Br. Rommy Sandra Villarroel

We have had a strong time of discernment in the general government with the indications provided by the Sisters of the two provinces of America. I am grateful for both the proposals received and the comments submitted for our discernment. I am also grateful to the sisters who accepted to be Provincial Superiors, both for a second three-year term, and to the councilors for being their collaborators.

Letter 31 of the Superior General, Graciela Francovig
