Under this suggestive and brief headline, we met on Friday, February 3, at Inter, the communication leaders of the centers with the Communication Assistance Team of the Spain-Italy province.
It is the third that we have had and each encounter is a step forward in several aspects: it is creating a group among us, of close familiarity, of mutual learning, of real Network of networks that is woven little by little and from the diverse places where we are.
We began with a personal, intimate communication, with our own interiority, an important step and essential to communicating with others. We shared the personal style of communicators and it was very comforting to see how the characteristics of our charismatic family were reflected in the purpose of our communication, which is communion, strong and firm at the root to enjoy the richness of diversity and the pluralism that was reflected when in the afternoon we shared the good practices in what we are doing.
These traits were: joy, closeness, creating bridges, values, hope, communicating with passion, affective, close, open to opinions, sharing relationships, familiarity, giving positive meaning…
They are very important steps with which we create among all the Manual of Style, what we want to communicate, when, to whom, how, why… we already have enough contributions collected in the group work in which we also spent some time of the day.
At the end the messages that we took away with us were along this line: hope, sharing, journey, eagerness, thankfulness, learning, enrichment, openness, links …
To meet is already valuable communication in its own right; the exchange is boosting courage and enthusiasm to continue this journey with hope and greater commitment every day.
The work of our communicators is admirable because it is an extra work on top of their usual schedules always so full, but the passion for this service overcomes all difficulties.
María Luisa Berzosa fi