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December 9, 2016

It is the fifth time we are celebrating the Immaculate Conception in the beautiful chapel of the “Srdo. Corazón” [Sacred Heart] school of Segovia after the closing.
Former student Patricia Guijarro with her family remembers much of the historical family of the Daughters of Jesus of Segovia and province as the date of the appointment with Mary approaches. She looks for a celebrant, almost always in the community of the Claretians, as it has been this year, and prepares the Eucharist and the “Mil albricias” in combination with us.
And whole families come; alumni of all ages who in many cases enjoy an unexpected encounter after years, the choir of the school of the Claretian Fathers, former teachers of the school. And this year we had the honor and joy of the arrival from Madrid of Mª Carmen Martín FI with the whole community of the Provincial House, so that Matilde Ballesteros FI, among the last Daughters of Jesus teachers in this school, and Carmen Sastre, former student, had their special participation …
Everyone knows that they have an opportunity to express their love to the Virgin and they do so. With the song of the Salve and the “Mil Albricias” we turn to Mary with an enthusiasm enlivened by memories of old school experiences and the true love of children trusting in her protection.

As this year the fourth centenary of the death of the Segovian Jesuit St. Alphonsus Rodríguez is being celebrated, and to him is dedicated one of the stained glass windows of the chapel, one person drew attention to it. It has been a small contribution to the dissemination of the event to encourage participation. We remember that M. Candida came to Segovia during the celebrations for the canonization of this saint back in 1888 and after a long prayer in the church of Sts. Justus and Pastor, where the ceremonies took place, decided to open a house and school in this city of Segovia.
After the leave-taking of the people and deciding on the venue where we shall meet next year, we continued to live in community this profoundly congregational day. There followed immediately a lively conversation in which Mª Carmen told us in person the important contents of the letter that she had just sent to the whole Province, to continue later at the table where there was a typical Segovian dessert.
They returned to Madrid almost immediately, mainly because they were expected at the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Mª Luisa, whom we warmly congratulate as well as Lourdes, Maria, Chelo, Teodora, Lina, Florencia, Victoria and Mª Victoria.
In the evening prayer we renewed our vows and thanked God for so much good received, with Mary Immaculate and united with the whole Congregation, happy to be Daughters of Jesus.

The community of Segovia
