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Forum on the Global Compact on Education in Indico-Pacific Province (I)

December 18, 2020

“In response to the call of the Superior General to transmit and promote the message of the Holy Father on the Global Compact for Education, the Indico – Pacific Province will hold a Forum on the Global Compact for Education.” I am writing the verbatim words of the invitation made by the Provincial Superior to participate in the act.

She approached it as “a great event that will reinforce the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Daughters of Jesus. The different schools of the Congregation in the Philippines will participate in it. We will also extend the invitation to our lay partners and friends in Japan. This virtual forum is called Conversations on the Global Compact for Education ”.

The event was held on December 11, between 2 p.m. and 4:20 p.m. in Manila (7 a.m. to 9 a.m. in Rome). This has been the program:

– Opening prayer – Mme. Florilou Screenno
– Words of welcome – Hna. Teresa Pinto, FI
– Presentation of the event: Dra. Rodilla Tumanda, Ed.D. (Facilitator of the event)
– Pope Francis Launch Video on the Global Compact on Education
– Presentation of the Speakers – Mrs. Rosalie Idulsa
– Intervention of the Speakers around the 8 Commitments of the Pact (from 7 to 10 minutes):

* On the Value and Dignity of Human Persons as an Education Center (No. 1), and Commitment to Invest the Best Energies for Creative and Transformative Education (No. 8). Mr. Caesar Solas (Director, Manresa School)
* On listening to the voices of children and young people to build together a future of justice, peace, and dignified life (No. 2), and on the family as the first and essential place of education (No. 4). Dr. Jett Lu, M.D. (Father of the Stella Maris de Davao Academy)
* On promoting the full participation of girls and young women in education (No. 3). Mrs. Anezka Tan (Student of the Sacred Heart School – Hijas de Jesús)

                        * On education for the need for acceptance and openness to the most vulnerable and marginalized (n ° 5). Mrs. Rhodora Edullantes (Deputy Director, Stella Maris de Davao Academy)
                        * On the commitment to education at the service of the human person and the human family (n ° 6), and on the protection and cultivation of our common home (n ° 7). Mrs. Edna Giner (Director, School of the Daughters of Jesus)

Between one intervention and another,  two minutes of silence were given that favored personal reflection and afterwards an exchange in the chat.

As planned, the Superior General, Graciela Francovig, offered her impression of what she had heard and a word of encouragement to all. Before the final prayer, by Mrs. Ellen Balicoco, we received the thanks of the Provincial Superior, Emelinda C. Falsis.

Lastly to add to this presentation a simple recognition: Emelinda’s audacity and the effort made by the entire team to launch a similar activity, to which they have contributed seriousness and great depth.

It would be worth reviewing all the presentations, with the complete texts available, and, at least, we will publish at another time the response that the Superior General, Graciela Francovig, has made. There is no doubt that Indico-Pacífico has opened a reflection that will do good, as a Church, to the mission carried out by the Congregation in its schools around the world.

