On November 12 and 13, the Spanish Theologians Association organizes its XIV Conference in Madrid under the title “Cain, where is your sister? God and violence against women”. This topic will be taken from the anthropological-cultural approach, with Ana de Miguel (UAM); from the legal approach with Adela Asúa, jurist; from biblical texts, with Lidia Rodriguez (University of Deusto), from experience, with Marisa Cotolí (OSR); from the God who liberates, with Silvia Martínez Cano (UPSA); and from the battered bodies, with Susana Becerra (Universidad Javeriana Bogotá).
Circular Letter 43: Congregates-Electors GC XIX
In her letter number 43, our Superior General communicates the names of the Daughters of Jesus who will participate by...