“You, young people, are the ones who can best bring Jesus to other young people.”
From the international youth pastoral team, we are preparing for the next INTERNATIONAL YOUTH ENCOUNTER. It will be the second one and will take place on May 27, at 13h from Rome, in a virtual modality and with a duration of about two hours.
We would like to share with you that the idea and proposal to carry it out have been the result of the reflection of the team and it has come to us, on the one hand, by desiring to respond to all young people of the different provinces and to take pastoral advantage of the event of the Universal Church to celebrate the next WYD in Portugal, in August 2023; and on the other hand, by sharing in the team that, from different places, the young people who participated in the first meeting were very enthusiastic and wait and ask when there will be another… We believe it is a very good opportunity for our youth ministry.
We count on your prayers and those of the entire Mother Candida Family for the young people and for this Encounter.
The International Youth Ministry Team.
Save the date and stay tuned for more information about the meeting.