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New phase of the GCXVIII: treatment of matters

May 5, 2019

Since yesterday, we have entered into a new phase of the GC: that of the Treatment of matters, although we are living a few days of discernment before properly entering into the treatment of matters, following a proposal that was made in the assembly.

We are already working in Reflection Groups, in which we will try to seek in discernment the will of God for the Congregation. We commit ourselves to have a personal rhythm of prayer and examen, that keeps us listening to the Word of God, of persons and circumstances and attentive to the motions of the Holy Spirit, letting all these affect us. We want to be free to express ourselves without conditioning, trusting in the desire for mutual understanding on the part of all. And we are committed to be attentive to the motions of the evil spirit, to try to overcome them.

The dynamic is one of prayer and personal reflection, sharing in a group, each group having its own organization on time, and then putting it in common in the assembly, to discover the personal resonances that we have.



Also on Monday and Tuesday we will be in this dynamic, so we still need prayers to remain open to the voice of the Spirit. We feel that it is the hour of the Spirit.
