The sisters who are participating the 18th General Congregation have just elected Sr. Graciela Francovig Godoy as the new General Superior for the next six years. She succeeds the service of Mª Inez Furtado de Mendonça, who has been the General Superior for 12 years.
We thank the Lord for her election and we ask that you accompany us with your prayers, entrusting to the Lord our new Superior General.
Sr. Graciela 53 years old, was born on Aug. 1, 1965 in Villa Ocampo, Santa Fe in Argentina. She joined the Congregation on March 25, 1984 in San Miguel Buenos Aires She had her first vows in San Miguel on Feb, 11, 1987 and had her perpetual profession on august 9, 1994 at La Plata (Argentina).
She studied Theology in Cordoba, Argentina and finished her specialization in Spirituality in the Gregorian University in Rome. She speaks English and Italian. At present she is the Local Superior of the community of Cordoba- Monterrico and is working in the pastoral animation of three schools in Argentina and she accompanies a group of Ignatian Christian Life Community in Cordoba (Argentina).
Looking at her congregational life journey, she had been assigned in different places like La Plata, Roma, Bogotá (Colombia), Cochabamba (Bolivia) and Córdoba where she had worked in the different areas of education and evangelization. Moreover, she had a very wide experience in congregational responsibilities. She had been a local superior in different moments of her life, formator, a Provincial Counselor of the Vice Province of Argentina from 1998 to 2007 and Provincial Treasurer from 2002 to 2007. She was the Provincial Superior of the Vice Province of Argentina from 2007 to 2011. She continued her function as Provincial Superior of the new America Andina Province from 2007 to 2017. She was also the instructress of the sisters having their Last Probation from 2017-2018 in Rome.
She is a person with deep sensitivity towards the least fortunate, with a great listening capacity with human closeness and a deep sense of universal congregational body.