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Praise be to you, my Lord!

July 14, 2016

From June 27 to July 8, there has been much activity in the neighborhood Parco Verde in Caivano (Naples): forty animators, our sisters and renewed Franciscan friars (Franciscan Friars of the Renewal?) have offered space and time to give a smile to more than 150 participating children of the youth camp “Grest 2016”. Preparation began long ago with meetings, sharing of ideas and faith. This dedication paid off; everything has been very well organized and prepared: games, materials, environment, dances, prayers… This collaboration has allowed children to have an experience different from what they live in the daily setting of a neighborhood impoverished in many ways. The youth of the Parish “San Pablo Apostol” made a huge effort to give moments of joy and brotherhood! Praise be to you, my Lord, for the hope that filled us and because, once again, life has sprung in the desert! Praise be to you, my Lord, for so many blessings received!

Amplified Community of Italy and Monitor Stefania Police
