In mid-February, a group of 18 teachers from the schools in Spain were able to join the second group of Spiritual Exercises addressed to directors or former directors of our educational works. Accompanied by Maria Luisa Berzosa, Ana Cantalapiedra and Blanca Esther Iriarte, it took place once more in the unparalleled setting of Loyola.
A whole week, from Sunday, February 12 in the evening until noon on Friday the 17th to dedicate “simply to feeling and relishing”, as one of the participants reflected in his testimony after a few days of deep encounter with the Lord. Without a doubt, it is the testimonies of the people who have been able to enjoy this experience which can best reflect what these days must have been. In them are collected words of gratitude, hope, reconciliation, love, renewed strength for the Mission …
We extract a fragment of the testimonies of 7 of the participants in this experience which completes the formation of the people who are responsible for directing the educational works, bringing them in an experiential way to our Ignatian roots. You can read them completely by clicking on this link
“Making the Exercises has meant a parenthesis, to know myself much better internally, to love myself despite my faults and limitations, to feel loved and forgiven by God, to understand that He calls me in order to be present in my life through my actions and not to remain in me, if not to transcend others, to give meaning to our actions wherever we go” (German López – Piedras Redondas (Almería)
“I have lived, I have felt, I have wept, but above all I have loved.” Loved a God that I had seen as distant for some time. I was able to feel him, receive him, welcome him and embrace him. Undoubtedly the best encounter! (Cuchi Guillén – A Coruña)
“I consider it a treasure to have received this Ignatian spirituality that has its most genuine expression in the Exercises and which I feel invited to offer, to share as a gift received and which I can not keep for myself” (María Luisa Berzosa FI, Orcasur – Madrid)
“We are not accustomed in daily life to an exercise of introspection like this, but this time of stopping, of silence has helped me to look at myself, to reformulate my commitment taking into account that “the most human is the most divine.” (Txaro Etxeberría – Tolosa)
“God is in everyday life, in the day to day, in the small things that we live, who is not alien to anything that we live” (Blanca Esther Iriarte fi)
“Thank you, Lord, for giving me this experience! For allowing me to enjoy that Ignatian “feeling and relishing” that from the beginning of the week has been the guide in every moment lived” (Víctor Bejarano – Sevilla)
“On a personal level, it has not been a week of silence, but of deep listening.” Consoled by re-encountering that “look of God” that reconciles and gives meaning to my “look at the world” and that puts everything in place again. A look so necessary in my “here and now” (Elena García – María Reina – Madrid)
Pilgrims and Sowers of Hope: World Day for Consecrated Life 2025
Next Sunday, February 2, 2025, the Catholic Church will celebrate the XXIX World Day for Consecrated Life under the...