The year 2024 is coming to an end and, with it, another stage in our lives. It is time to look back and review everything we have experienced. Review to give thanks. Review to recognize the passage of God… or of Life. Review to learn. Review to look to the future and discover the new challenges to which 2025 invites me. Are you up for it?
- What goals have I achieved this year? In what areas have I grown? What new knowledge or skills have I acquired? I appreciate the opportunity to…
- How have my relationships with family, community, friends, partners, colleagues… evolved? What special moments have I shared with them? I thank… for…
- How has my physical and mental health been? What have I done to take care of myself? I am grateful for…
- What new experiences have I had? What trips have I taken? What lessons have I learned from them? I am grateful to have been able to…
- What moments of joy and happiness have marked this year?
- What have been the biggest challenges I have faced? What have I learned from them about myself, about others, about life?
- What mistakes have I made and what can I learn from them for the future?
- In what moments, places, situations… have I looked for my own interests over the common good? In what can I improve?
- Is there anyone I would like to apologize to for what I have done, said or failed to do?
- In general,how do I feel about looking ahead to 2024?
- How do I see 2025? What does it invite me to? What are my hopes and wishes? What goals do I want to set for myself?
- Where is God in all this? What is He inviting me to?
4. I conclude by thanking the Lord for the year that is ending, for his faithfulness in my life, for his presence in history. I ask Him to GIVE ME HIS GRACE to discover what He wants from me and to respond to His invitations in 2025. AMEN.