In all this time we have had our community meetings, personal reflections, community retreats in light of the simple and, at the same time, provocative material that is encouraging us to get into the process.
“We are called to be passionate every day for Christ, for his Gospel and for humanity. We must take on a very personal call to make this spiritual journey with courage, a constant decision to live it, follow it and also the renewed desire to generously assume the consequences of this option.
Our journey is born of the experience lived by Candida Ma. de Jesus, and of which each one of us freely participates, by pure gift.
“He is the cornerstone of our life …” (Acts 4, 11-12); “The Father’s plan is to make Jesus the heart of the world” (Eph 1: 3-10);
(Lk 24, 32); “That they might have life in him and have it more abundantly” (Jn 10:10).
Three key words we picked up in the community of Colombia in the September retreat: enchantment, disenchantment and re-enchantment. They are not words of a book or dictionary. No! They are realities and life experiences that we experiencr due to different factors … and at different moments of our lives, as persons and as Daughters of Jesus …
Enchantment, without a doubt we lived it in a particular way in our beginnings of the process of Daughters of Jesus. Our excitement was very high … we did not know many things and we hoped with great trust in everything … Upon beginning new phases in our journey we also experienced enchantment once more. Maybe with more realism … Let’s remember these pleasant experiences …
We have also experienced disenchantment … At some point, more strongly than in others. There are experiences that invite us to overcome this disenchantment … Today, for example, diminishing powers, reduction in the number of people … lack of vocations, priestly crisis, the problem we are experiencing as a Church institution. The strong words of lay people who challenge us consecrated women not to allow ourselves to be conquered by this disenchantment.
We are also living religious life today and we are about to enter the paths of re-enchantment. The invitation is clear and precise that our lives be intensely passionate for Christ who “is the beginning and foundation of human history, the point at which the desires of history and civilization converge, the center of the human race, the passionate joy of all hearts and fullness of all aspirations.”
In spite of the real disenchantment that we may have at this moment as Consecrated Life, we must also accept that it is made to enchant and to make us passionate for the life of faith and the evangelical life, which has in itself a wonderful prophetic, charismatic force for radicalism, humanity and spirituality. That can be manifested in a new way to us in this next General Congregation with the contribution of everyone and of the lay people and the openness that we keep to the Spirit of God.
We have expressed in different ways in all these meetings that we want to live our being Daughters with renewed strength, to strengthen the well being of the Congregation, empowering the Charismatic family Candida Maria de Jesus in the Church today, to live our Filiation and Christ-centeredness so that Christ may live fully in our hearts, on our lips and in ourselves in the heart of Jesus. That we may recognize him in every face, especially in the weakest people today … and that we may serve him in those who need us the most …
These are not cold contents of some well structured guides and worksheets that have been offered to us. We are presented with the consecrated life, and in particular our being Daughters of Jesus as a way of life that we love, that enchants us. It’s about returning this charm; to rekindle the grace received. For this there are actions that must be promoted, initiated or reinforced and others, which we will have to stop doing, to weaken or subdue …
We need a special capacity to let ourselves be stimulated, awakened, provoked, evoked, proposed and enchanted … especially with a spiritual path marked by the enthusiasm of M. Candida’s charism in her two vocations …
The Community of Colombia