From the Community of Málaga, Emilia López Raya sends us these words at the celebration of her Golden Jubilee:
1. What springs from your heart at this celebration?
“The Lord has been great with us and we are joyful” … Yes, the Lord has been great with me, so my thanksgiving for these 50 years is of gratitude and praise. Always trusting in Mary our Mother, I am one with the song of the Magnificat and proclaim his greatness with all my being.
I also thank God for my family, who has always helped me to live the values of simplicity, dedication, work and faith.
2. From this experience of life as a Daughter of Jesus, what would be your message for the sisters in formation?
It is worth giving our unconditional surrender to the Lord at all times, being faithful in whatever He gives us each day on our way, always with joy.
3. Can you tell us something about your dreams and wishes for the future?
I only ask the Lord for myself and for all the Daughters of Jesus, especially for those celebrating their 50th anniversary today, to keep us faithful in the Congregation, in fidelity and humility, trusting in our Mother Foundress, and to continue being great with me until he gives me his light and his peace.
4. Any further comments?
May we be open to the action of the Spirit in these moments that we are living in the Congregation today, with faith, joy and dedication.
Circular Letter 43: Congregates-Electors GC XIX
In her letter number 43, our Superior General communicates the names of the Daughters of Jesus who will participate by...