August 1, 2021
Dear Graciela:
We consider it normal to receive your circulars. It is customary for the Superior General to write to us throughout the Congregation to inform us of what is happening in one part or another and to maintain the union, to encourage our reflection and, ultimately, our vocation.
Our message to you today would be Congratulations. We rejoice with you and appreciate your life, your years, your experience, your vocation, as many people as will have gone through your history... We join you on a day that we wish you happiness. We thank you for everything you are grateful for.
And also our letter contains a huge “thank you” for your dedication to the whole Body. A heartfelt and heartfelt thank you, for a service performed in an extremely difficult time for everyone, for everyone, and that has also gone through the service that you have to perform. We put ourselves “a little” in your place (half-intuiting what it may mean) and we can understand how complicated and difficult it must have been so far not to be able to move and go to different countries to meet all of them.
At this point, we think of Mary and to her, we entrust you: “Without giving in to evasions or mirages, “she knew how to accompany the pain of her Son […] hold it in your eyes, shelter it with your heart. The pain he suffered but did not resign to it. She was the strong woman of the “yes”, who holds and accompanies, shelters and embraces. She is the great custodian of hope […]. From it, we learn to say “yes” in the stubborn patience and creativity of those who do not shrink and start again” (Christus Vivit 45).
Today we would like to do the opposite, that you are the one who receives a letter from all, in which in the end you were reading our signatures, at least with the same affection and care that you put in your reflections and prayer for each one.
Happy birthday!
Your sisters, Daughters of Jesus.