Maria Inez arrived in Segovia with Sagrario de Andrés on June 5 for the canonical visitation to this community for a few days, which we lived with intensity. She left for Madrid on the 10th so that she could celebrate her birthday with more Daughters of Jesus in Spain.
As you know, the centenarian school of Segovia had to be closed five years ago, but the community, now amplified, is maintained with two groups of sisters. One resides in the house attached to the school, where Maria Inez stayed and where we had community meetings; and another in a house on Calle Juan Carlos I, at some distance, where Mother General transferred for a day to talk with the sisters assigned there in their own environment.Maria Inez became aware of the reality of each sister and the tasks that we have at hand, as well as the socio-economic moment of the city. In her free time and walks, which she has taken on to stay in good health, she enjoyed the rich historical and artistic heritage of Segovia, as well as the beauty of its natural environment.
We welcomed Maria Inez … with an open, receptive, and expectant heart … aware that God was showing us a moment of grace to enrich, encourage, and guide us, and to confirm us in our path as Daughters of Jesus: personally, in the individual meeting, and collectively, in community.
During the time devoted to informing us about the whole Congregation, due to her recent visit to the East, she preferred to introduce us to the reality of the provinces of China-Taiwan and Indico-Pacific, with the communities and persons within them. For starters it was very educational to place them on a map of Asia so that we might have a better idea of where they are exactly, for example, the presences in Myanmar, Thailand, and mainland China … Maria Inez’ explanations, supported by the projection of the photographic material, put us in contact with those Daughters of Jesus and their interesting apostolic projects among our brothers who need their help so much. May God bless them and multiply their evangelical sowing in abundant fruits.
In her talk to the community, one of the major events of the visit, she offered us her rich vision of consecrated life in today’s Church, observed with acuity, with love, with good documentation … she involved us in her reflections, her vision of the future based on the congregational reality and the particular reality of this community of Segovia. We appreciated the breadth of vision that emerged from her talk.
We celebrated her birthday simply and joyfully. Mass at nine, sightseeing for Maria Inez, accompanied by some sisters, including climbing the bell tower of the nearby cathedral to view from the top the whole city and its green surroundings. Table at two in the afternoon, with holiday menu: cake, specialty of the house included. “Sobremesa”, we would have liked to last longer, almost until Sofia Contreras arrived to take the travelers back to Madrid. The farewell was short but heartfelt. Our warmest and sincerest thanks to her for all that she has given us in the realm of ideas, but above all with the testimony of her life.
The community of Segovia