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Canonical visit of the Superior General – Brazil III

September 6, 2022

The Canonical Visitation of the Superior General, Graciela Francovig, to Brazil comes to an end. But first, we share the last days of her stay in the country.

On August 25th, the Educational Community – Stella Maris had the joy of receiving her visit. With great friendliness and familiarity, they visited the centre and met with students and educators, who welcomed them with great affection. It was an occasion to strengthen the mission as they were able to see first hand the important social work carried out by the Daughters of Jesus and the laity in this work in Rio de Janeiro.

On 29 August, the Instituto Educacional Coração de Jesus in Bragança Paulista opened its doors to the Superior General, Graciela Francovig and the counsellor Teresa Pinto. Accompanied by the Director, Joel Rezende and the Vice-Director, Marília Barreto, they were warmly welcomed by the educators of the institution, the administrative team and the students of IECJ.


After a cup of coffee with the staff, they visited the school premises and greeted a class of first grade Secondary School students who were doing practical work in the laboratory, studying photosynthesis, taught by Biology teacher, Patrícia Monteiro. They also visited the robotics laboratory, the auditorium, the gymnasium, the parks, the children’s rooms and the pastoral room, where they read some letters written by the students to Saint Candida. Thanks to this visit they were able to see St. Candida Square, the gallery of the heart, with photos of the sisters and lay directors throughout the history of the school, and the space called the canteen.

On 30 August they visited two educational centres. The first was the Immaculate Conception Educational Institute in Mogi Mirim. They were accompanied by the Superior of the Community, Regina Célia, the director, Wanderley Gomes and the vice-director, Maria Renata. They began the meeting with a presentation to the educators. Afterwards, they got to know the premises and the students, who were delighted to learn about the history and mission of the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus.

The second centre was the Imaculada School in Campinas. The aim of the visit was to listen, to get to know the experiences, the local realities and to encourage the mission. They were also accompanied by the Superior of the Community, Regina Célia and the director, Wanderley, who is also the director of this Centre.


