I had the gift of experiencing this August 9th in the house of Andoain, that home that has so much significance for all of us and that on such date acquires a particular importance.
I was able to meet many sisters whom I do not see often and these occasions always give me great joy, and we were of many groups and communities.
In addition a group of townspeople and former students from other places also came. I felt it was a real family celebration because we were united by the cordial ties around Candida Maria de Jesus.
We were able to pray for a while following very happily what we were being told about this simple but great woman, from her land and place of origin, vibrating with faith and the trust that she always had in the Lord and the drive she communicated on behalf of the rest.
We prayed, gave thanks, sang in her language and in Castilian; we listened to her message, familiar yet ever fresh. We kept silent, we were touched… one with all the Daughters of Jesus scattered around the world.
The small house of Berrospe was enlarged without horizons; in the homely warmth, I felt that there are no boundaries that can shut us in our small circles but on the contrary, Candida Maria de Jesus continues to encourage us to follow Jesus in that journey where He Himself accompanies us and reveals Himself in the signs of bread and wine shared,and continues to make our hearts burn with ardor for the mission, origin and meaning of our vocation as Daughters of Jesus.
Then we shared some goodies that the sisters of the house had prepared with love and we continued talking in the family atmosphere that surrounded us.
Thank you, dear sisters for the warm celebration.
Eskerrik asko, Jauna.
Maria Luisa Berzosa fi