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Comunication of the GC18 Determination

September 11, 2019


The Determination and 6 calls were very well received by the sisters of the Indico-Pacific (Bangladesh, Japan and the Philippines).  The Provincial Superior then, Sr. Thelma Barbarona, went to Bangladesh and Japan, accompanied by the Provincial Counselor Leoly Quitorio, to transmit both the experience of GC XVIII as well as the documents.  In Japan they were helped by Yolanda Brandolin who was a “congregada” to the General Congregation.   In the Philippines, those who went to Rome for the GC were on hand to help facilitate the sessions.

In the three regions of the Province, there was a feeling that the sisters were heard, and that we are going back to what is essential in our religious life.  For some, “it is an invitation to evaluate our life, see what is really essential, being anchored strongly in Jesus.  It gives us opportunities to exercise real discernment, to think a thousand times before we act.”  Others talked about “going back to the radicalism of our vow of poverty.”

All were happy that the lay were involved as the six calls were discussed.  It is a movement into real partnership, and there are planned schedules for the transmission of the same to the lay.

The challenge that everyone is aware of is that now we have the document in our hands, now that the General Congregation has had our voices and come up with this Determination, how do we put this into life, and be, as Mother Foundress wished us to be, “authentic Daughters of Jesus?”
