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Easter in Taizé

March 31, 2016

This Easter has been different. I went to Taizé along with Sofia Langoni FI (junior sister), accompanying a youth group. We made up a total of 55 young people from Pamplona, ​​Bilbao and Durango. They were days of sharing from within, contemplating Jesus, enabling listening, being silent, praying, sharing, experiencing communion and universality, living from small things, seeing other ways of doing and praying, discovering that the songs of Taizé help you get in touch with yourself and God …
I thank God because I was able to witness that God acts on a large scale, that He is present, He accompanies us, challenges us, disturbs us… Being with young people who are searching, questioning themselves, who ask themselves and ask you a lot of questions, convinces me once more that what is important in life is to continue searching, and that these searches are done with others, not alone. That doubts and questions are what make you stay on track, that you may not find answers to all these questions; but the important thing is to keep walking; it is to discover certainties and intuitions that give meaning to life. And one of those certainties is that I find the meaning of my life, the firm ground on which I stand, in Jesus, in His Word, even if I may not always find the answer, even if I may not always see everything clearly. What I do desire is to live from LOVE, your way, and knowing that I am in very good hands, yours, Lord.

By Naike Martín FI
