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Encounter of Sisters over 65 years old, in Cochabamba

May 11, 2017

With great enthusiasm, we prepared for this encounter that, within the Andean American province was the first for this group of sisters, with the presence of members from all regions.
The General Plan of Formation, where it deals with the continuing formation of the Daughter of Jesus, tells us:
“It is deemed necessary to program in the provinces a time of reflection and deepening … for those sisters who are approximately 65 years old … With the measures that are judged to be more adequate, this time should be oriented to help them continue living their consecration with fidelity and apostolic fruitfulness, that is not tied to effectiveness or responsibility in the tasks, but that God be glorified and served during and throughout our life.” (GPF No. 186)

And for this reason, Graciela Francovig FI considered it appropriate – and it really was – with her provincial government team to hold this meeting. Initially, it was designed for the Sisters of Bolivia at their own request. At the suggestion of our Superior General, she extended it to other Sisters in Argentina and Colombia, as she fraternally communicated to us in the letter she wrote to each of the sisters who had the grace to participate in it.
It was really a wonderful three days. The first part was accompanied by Fr. Victor Codina SJ, who with his simplicity and wisdom as theologian addressed the theme “of the Kingdom” and the action “of the Spirit who acts from below.” The second part, with Graciela F., our Provincial Superior – and a sister much younger than the whole group – was to deepen our CFI from the Formula of the Congregation and the new reading that we are doing of them in the Congregation.

We let some of the participating Sisters tell us what this opportunity has meant for them:
– True outburst of the Spirit, a relief, an impulse full of joy and resurrection to carry on. The experience of being a congregational body and having the Sisters of Argentina and Colombia has been a great treasure. My thanks to Graciela, who for us represents the Congregation in the Province.
– The theme of the Kingdom has confirmed my mission and pastoral work, because the “kingdom is conflictive”. It reminded me that our Church is Holy and sinful and I have understood this better. I can sing with the psalmist: “How shall I repay thee, O Lord …” Leonor Bleichner
– A special grace from the Lord right now. Grace that, I do not doubt, will be an impulse to serve better and better as being a Daughter of Jesus demands of me. The joy of realizing that the Spirit of the Lord is very present in each one of us and that the Congregation will continue to grow in its well-being. Ma. Luisa Sánchez Estévez
– Days of grace to keep growing. Gratitude for offering us this space to revive the grace to live in this body as Daughter of Jesus. I take with me hope, joy, learning to live understanding, accepting my own limitations and those of others. The invitation to be more daughters and more sisters. Ana María Rodríguez
– Opportunity of giving thanks to God, once again, for his tender and generous love experienced in sharing the closeness, delicacy and dedication of the Sisters. Opportunity to get a little closer to the life dedicated to mission, in more diverse realities … And opportunity to grow in this same spiritual experience that was the encounter. Rosario Azcune
– To thank God very much for this vital meeting that is not only helping me to remember the fundamentals of my consecration, but also because I am living it with hope and joy. The encounter with these sisters has been great. Salvadora Arnanz
– A space of deepening in my being Daughter of Jesus. Rereading what is fundamental in our life. I take with me the experience of continuing to grow in hope, joy and gratitude for being a Daughter of Jesus, called to live the Kingdom here and now. Thank you, Sisters, for this encounter. Ma. Antonieta Hernández
– A space to share with sisters of your age our being Daughters of Jesus today. Feeling enriched by the rich contributions of Fr. Victor Codina on the Kingdom and the interiorization of the Constitutions from the directions of Graciela and the openness to live from the newness of the Spirit in this stage of life. Dolores Castañeda
– It was an encounter of fraternity, joy, welcome, sharing, deepening in the Kingdom, in the Constitutions, in our being Daughters of Jesus. I am very grateful for this experience and I take with me the desire to continue deepening as the challenge of living everything we have seen and heard. Fuencisla Sanz Arribas
– As the older sister of the group, 92 years old, I tell you: my dear sisters, at this time in my long life I would advise you never to tire of BEING THANKFUL for having been called one day to be true Daughters of Jesus. We are favored by Him who called us and always accompanies and guides us. One more proof of his love is this encounter that with his help will lead us to realize the desire of our Mother Foundress: “to be true Daughters of Jesus”. With his help and grace, always forward. Teresa de Jesús Ribot
