Canonization of Blessed Candida Maria de Jesus
Benedict XVI canonized Mother Candida on October 17, 2010 along with five other Blesseds: Stanislaus Kazimierczyk, Andrè Bessette, Maria della Croce MacKillop, Julia Salzano and Battista Camila Varano.
Of her he said in the homily:
When the Sonof Man comes to bring justice to the elect, will he find this faith on earth? (Lk. 18:18). Today we can say yes, with relief and firmness, as we contemplate figures such as Mother Candida Maria de Jesus Cipitria y Barriola. That girl of simple origins, with a heart in which God placed his seal and which would soon lead her, with the guidance of her Jesuit spiritual directors, to make the firm decision to live only for God. Decision faithfully maintained as she herself recalls when she was about to die. He lived for God and for what He wants most: to reach out to all, to bring to all the hope that does not waver, and especially to those who need it most.
Where there is no place for the poor, there is no place for me either, said the new saint, who, with little means, inspired other Sisters to follow Jesus and dedicate themselves to the education and promotion of women. Thus were born the Daughters of Jesus, who today have in their Foundress a very high model of life to imitate, and an exciting mission to pursue in the many countries where Mother Candida’s spirit and desire for apostolate have reached.