Last September 2, Isabel Solà, Jesús-María sister, lost her life in Haiti. The Superior General of her Congregation has just sent this letter inviting to forgiveness.
“Yes, we have lost Isa because of violence.
We have two possibilities before us… To enter into this vicious circle of violence, or like Claudina, to forgive – she was witness to the death not of one, but of two of her brothers at the same time…
They did not die immediately; they had to be beaten to death. We have the consolation of knowing that Isa did not suffer; she died immediately after the shooting.
Let this be an opportunity to be positive and forgive and choose ways and means, like Claudina, aimed at healing and reconciliation in our wounded and violent world. It is no accident that at this moment in history, as a Congregation we face deaths, rapes, robberies and murders and therefore participate in the Cross of Christ: be merciful and forgive especially in this Year of Mercy ” (From the Mother General’s Letter).
Getting back into synodal dynamics – Synod September 2024
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