A lot to share because there is a lot to live. But, we will be prudent and in a few brief words, we will paint the landscape of this week’s experience.
We were left with Jolanta Kafka RMI. Do you remember her? Well, we have to tell you that, with her, we approached Consecrated Life today from the current ecclesial perspective, enlightened by Laudato si and Fratelli tutti. These focuses allowed us to see ourselves from the perspective of the challenges that Francis throws at all the people of God. We made this journey based on some questions, with moments of silence, in prayer, and illuminated by the Gospel. We were very happy and grateful to Jolanta for her sisterly closeness and for encouraging us to be consecrated women bearers of life and hope in today’s world.

We continue this stage with the fresh and dynamic presence of María Luisa Berzosa, FI. With her, we have been deepening our understanding of discernment. She began by reminding us that this topic is the first call of the last General Congregation. This is not a casual matter. It speaks of the urgency of discernment in our lives because from it we can know, accept, and carry out the will of God. It requires a person with a certain maturity, who can act in freedom, from his bodily self, with all that this implies. Maria Luisa also transmitted to us the synodal spirit that accompanies her, with her person, her anecdotes, and in a special way that deep sense of ecclesial and congregational body that is inherent to her. We were encouraged and grateful for Maria Luisa’s dynamism, youth, and enthusiasm.
Finally, this Renewal Course has the novelty of doing “the route of St. Candida in Rome”. Do you remember the days Candida spent here, with her sister Angela and a French sister? Gabriela Hondet? Yes, Mother had to come personally to defend our constitutions so that they could be approved without affecting what she felt was essential to the call she had received. You can sense that air in the Route: her trust in God and in the Virgin, her haste to make the most of the time during her unique stay here, her gratitude for being in this land of so many martyrs…

We are fortunate to have among us one of the Italian sisters, Carmela Pappa, who has lovingly prepared, accompanied, and guided this route. Carmela has made us imagine Mother Candida and her two companions at the Augustinian Sisters, in the church listening to Mass, working, gathering, coming and going… Thank you, Carmela.
We continue to walk with openness. Let’s see how God will be merciful to us in Rome this week…