A little over a year ago I called for this time of preparation for the 150th anniversary of our foundation. I invited you to be grateful for what we have received, to discover the fruitfulness of our history and to deepen in our charismatic identity.
Today we can say that we have lived this with courage, enthusiasm, and communion and we are already in this great celebration of thanksgiving.
From Salamanca, on the eve of this great feast, I want to send a fraternal greeting to the Hijas de Jesus and to the laity of the Family of Mother Candida, educators, young people, our students. I invite you to be generous in your gratitude, to live communion, hope, and reconciliation with the God of life and with each other. And the commitment to enliven the audacity that faith gives us, to keep alive the inheritance we have received.
We want to continue discerning, committing ourselves with young people, with educators in that universal network that we long for, caring for the environment and the relationships among us, being attentive to new paths of the Family of Mother Candida, being close, and being a friendly presence to immigrants and refugees.
We invite ourselves to continue searching for the paths that most help all people to have life, that life that God the Father wants to give us.
At the close of this great celebration, let us be aware that we are going through a privileged ecclesial time, that of the synodal journey to which Pope Francis invited us, an atmosphere that we are breathing in all parts of our world.
Mother Candida has always led us to Jesus, “in Jesus we have everything and without Him, everything we have is lost.” Or, as she also simply told us in one of her many letters, “all good is in Jesus” (CMF TI, 86)
Following Jesus, we cannot get lost, Saint Ignatius told us in his spiritual diary. Let the Holy Spirit of God be the one who leads us, who guides us, and may we simply follow his action, which will bring us closer to what we dream of as God’s will.
Finally, I wish to send greetings to our families, our fathers, mothers, and brothers and sisters who have accompanied us in this dream of personal vocation. Many Daughters of Jesus are accompanying their mothers or fathers in moments of great fragility and illness, others have just seen them leave.
To all the friends of the Congregation – laity, priests, and other congregations – thank you for the support, collaboration, and the journey that we have been making together.
Graciela Francovig, Superiora General