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Guidelines for pursuing personal growth in 2018 (Notiandina 137)

February 16, 2018

In the first Notiandina of the year, the sisters of the Province of América Andina, in addition to encouraging us with the new year, give us some tips that will certainly be useful for this 2018:


1- I identify more the strengths and everything that gives me good energy and encouragement. The weaknesses I already know. I will accept them! I flush out and recycle everything that takes away healthy energies.

2- In the face of change, I will work so as not to reject it. I will adapt to everything, with a critical sense … Everything changes …

3- I manage my emotions: I identify what I feel, I express it fraternally if necessary and I look for the best way to drain them …

4- I will stop using comparison … so harmful for every person. I let go of the fear of not being approved.

5- I WILL LEARN DAY BY DAY, TO MAKE DECISIONS. There are plenty of ways to channel any situation. I will open myself to the novelty and leave the beaten paths.

6- I make a list of the problems I have and I will solve them little by little. I am looking for means within my reach, I let go of what is not in my power to solve …

7- I learn from the assignments I am receiving, from the experiences that God offers me. In everything there is something good for me and for learning and sharing with others.

4- I leave behind self-pity …

9- I examine my mind and beliefs: Is it really what I think? Am I sure?. What belief leads me to see something in that way?

10- IN THE FACE OF DIFFICULTIES I will ask myself:

_ Can I look at what is happening to me in another way?

_ What can I learn from that situation?

_ What skill can I put into practice?

_ What is the smartest thing I can do?


If you want to read the full Notiandina,  follow this link.
