Silvia Casado, FI writes on the website of the Province of Spain-Italy about the book, Ignatian Women. Essential Writings and the meeting that took place last December in the house of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Madrid) to celebrate its publication.
” Mother Candida, faithful to the charism received by God, defended with zeal the Ignatian spirituality embodied in the Constitutions, in the face of the changes that were intended to be made to the Constitutions first at the diocesan level and then for approval in Rome.”
Book summary:
Throughout Ignatian history, Ignatian women have emerged with great determination and courage. Women who have lived their “inner knowledge of Jesus” from this spirituality, redefining it and formulating it in an enormous variety of spiritual writings. These essential writings bring together, for the first time in a single volume, a careful selection of texts that allow us to peer with rigor, devotion (and amazement!) into the inner world of these Ignatian women and their rich and surprising apostolic projection.