From September 21 to 24, we, the sisters of the Renewal Course, were able to count on the contribution of Alfonso Murad on the Encyclical Laudato Si. He detailed in a profound and engaging way the Introduction and each of the chapters. The methodology utilized exhibitions, activities in nature, audiovisual media, personal and group work, dialogues and questions; as well as practical projections from the linking dimension that reflects Laudato Si. He pointed out to some extent some of the points addressed, always from the existential, relational, rich and diverse view of the contexts, in the key of hope and commitment.
We concluded the day with possible paths while being open to the following question: What can we do for our planet? Some practices and socialization from our diversity and richness of contexts.
Resonances of what we take away for our life as conviction and task
Elvenia – “No. 66: Human existence is based on three fundamental relationships which are closely connected: the relationship with God, with one’s neighbor and with the earth
This harmony was destroyed by having sought to take God’s place, refusing to recognize ourselves as limited creatures. “
Rachel – As a conviction and task: The need to have active and lively hope to be able to advance and sustain the initiative with constancy, where I am.
“Many small things, in small places, doing small things can change the world” – Galeano-
Beatriz – We are earth. We are part of creation and everything is interrelated.
The environmental issue has to do with the production and consumption system = a change in lifestyle is needed.
Meng – The session of these days led me to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the encyclical Laudato Si. It made me see things, realities, situations, from a broader perspective.
Personally, I feel committed to some campaigns and initiatives applicable to our context.
I feel inspired to encourage the community to start this lifestyle and cultivate an ecological spirituality.
Norma – Appreciation for the way in which the encyclical was approached, gratitude for so much love and kindness of God, appreciation of the small steps in each context; continue to sensitize ourselves along with others, advancing in the daily journey.
Commitment to future generations, from an experience.
Relational key, looking for new paths with creativity; from the integrating dimension …
Yvelisse – The earth is for us the Good Mother who welcomes us in her arms; the common home that ALL of us creatures share.
Adriana – Appreciation, desire to correspond …
To continue to sensitize myself to help and work with others in that line where we are present …
Aware of the need to put into practice everything learned and lived these days; open to continue seeking to expand this knowledge to make them alive.
Asunta – Try not to use chemical products, protect the cleanliness and quality of the water.
Judith – God created the fullness of life in his creation, it is a gift to be treasured and cared for. God and his creation are one; each creation is life, one could not live without the other.
Let it happen in thoughts, words and actions … may it be a way of life … Let’s make it happen now … and for generations to come.
Matilde – I experienced joy, confirmation of the importance of living connected and interrelated in daily life to that creative presence of God.
Also the commitment to work out Laudato Si in my environment, not as a discourse, but from the spiritual sensitivity that is transformed into new relationships from all the dimensions of Social Ecology that Laudato Si addresses.
Lorna – A very strong call: Intergenerational solidarity is not optional.
Tomelina – Hope. The activities we have with the youth. Create life …
Rosa – Ecological conversion happens through personal experience.
As educators we have the responsibility to be witnesses of what the Gospel teaches us; it has consequences in our thinking, feeling and living (LS 216)
To communicate the passion for the care of the world is the challenge born of our faith.
María – Become aware of the temptation of consumerism and secularism; we have to help one another across religions.
Lory – Thank God for Brother Alfonso Murad, for his generosity and willingness to share Laudato Si with us. I was very happy and felt affirmed that we have to take care of our common home; I am left with the desire to update myself and I understood that it is not with many words, but with action.
Angeles – Consult the hospital staff where I work, on how to improve the method of dealing with garbage.
Teresa – Continue recreating care to make a difference, in everyday life. Living beauty and harmony as invitation of God Mother-Father.
Cecilia – We are brothers and sisters on mother earth, created and loved by the Lord. We have to respect and take care of one another.
We thank everyone for accompanying us with your prayer, in this time of relishing deep inside what God offers us through the Congregation.
FI Renewal Course